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VTM- Viral Transport Medium (Non-Inactivated Type) + Nasopharyngeal & Oropharyngeal 2 Swab/ Set

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Forsure Viral Transport Medium

Forsure Viral Transport Medium allows the safe transfer of viruses for further research, including diagnostic tests and molecular biology techniques. With virus-stable ingredients, added antibiotics and fungicides, Forsure VTM maintain the viral structure and activity over a wide temperature range and suppress the growth of contaminating bacteria and fungi. This facilitates the extraction of nucleic acid for the subsequent sample preparation for testing.

Forsure Inactivating Viral Transport Medium are designed to inactivate viruses contained in the specimen sample. This VTM is used for samples containing easily transmissible viruses and to prevent contamination of personnel handling these samples. Inactivation is achieved by lysis of the virus particles and is suitable for RT-PCR testing.

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